full name  kamenashi kazuya nickname  kame, kazu, geobuk birthdate / age  23 february 1991 (twenty-four) band  kat-tun year  third house  kappa alpha order major  philosophy clubs  photography
biography Kamenashi Kazuya doesn't consider his life thus far to be anything remarkable. And even if he did happen to think his life was anything worth mentioning, you'd have to take him on at least five dates before you'd even start to get it out of him. Kazuya is the third son of the Kamenashi family, and like his brothers, was thrown into the world of baseball at a very young age. Of course, not all stories end so well. Kamenashi ended up with an injury that would hinder him from playing baseball, at least competitively, for the rest of his life. The Kamenashis were devastated, but Kazuya was only fifteen-- he had his whole life ahead of him.

During his high school years (which were wholly unimpressive, academics-wise), Kazuya was scouted to do some modeling work. Despite the skeptical glances it warranted from his parents, they agreed to let him, and for a short period of time he experienced his fifteen minutes of fame. Posing was fun, and Kazuya learned that he had a knack for it, but ultimately he knew he couldn't make a living from it.

After graduating from high school, Kazuya just was not sure what to do with his life. And that's where things changed rapidly for him. Sometime around his eighteenth birthday, he was approached by yet another agency. They promised him fame, big bucks and a job experience that couldn't be beat.

Okay, so he ended up doing porn. It wasn't glamorous by any means, and though it could never compare to what his female co-stars went through, he was often times forced to do things that he whole-heartedly opposed. But it helped him make money, taking the burden off of his family.

He did this for two years. Two years before he wanted out. Two years before he got out and not in the cleanest of ways. Saying no to his manager was just too hard. He had to think of something else. Something that they couldn't say no to. Kamenashi Kazuya quit the porn industry by hopping on a plane and coming to Korea.

Haphazardly, he studied the language. He's still no master, but he managed to pass and gain entry to Yonsei. Everything is still a whirl-wind, really. Meeting others who had a love of sports gave Kazuya the confidence to rush for KAO, and three years later, here he is. It's a struggle, really, learning new things everyday, still being surprised by how much he doesn't know... but he manages. And he's grateful.

facts ~ film buff. originally he'd wanted to major in the field, but ultimately decided against it, not wanting to kill his love for it.

~ adores strawberries and any and all strawberry motifs.

~ definitely a foodie, and not that bad of a chef. likes to try out new recipes in the frat kitchen.

~ understandably not too keen on talking about his past.

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